Christ Methodist Day School — The Primary Choice

Christ Methodist Day School is devoted to exceptional Christian elementary education for boys and girls through spiritual development, academic excellence, social responsibility and personal integrity.

Christ Methodist Day School first opened its doors in 1958 to 75 kindergarten students. Since then, CMDS has stayed true to its Christian elementary school roots while continuing to thrive as one of the best private schools in Memphis.

We encourage you to come see why we are the primary choice for so many Memphis families.

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choosing primaryAn elementary school…

Invests all of its resources in the development of young students. At CMDS, we are solely focused on cultivating an authentic elementary experience.

Gives parents time to get to know their child. Strengths, learning style, personality and interests are developed during a child’s formative years, and that knowledge makes it easier to choose a middle school.

Preserves childhood. Our environment provides a safe place for students to take risks, explore their God-given talents and discover their likes and dislikes. They are not exposed to too much, too soon.

Offers opportunities for young students to lead. At CMDS, 12-year-olds are the big kids on campus. So at an early age, our students are taking the lead in the school musical and campaigning for Student Council.


A co-ed school…

Is reflective of the real world. Our boys and girls learn how to work with and respect each other, which better prepares them for the years ahead.

Provides opportunities for friendships between boys and girls. Middle school can be awkward enough, so a co-ed primary experience produces more grounded children who are comfortable interacting with each other.

Fosters leaders. Boys and girls are given the same opportunities to collaborate and solve problems together. Therefore all are emboldened to lead their peers.

Teaches to the individual child. We break through the stereotypes typically associated with how boys and girls learn differently. CMDS teachers know each child as an individual and customize activities to reach every type of learner.


What sets CMDS apart…

Our Teachers. CMDS is a destination workplace, and our dedicated teachers go beyond the 8-to-3. They love on their students, embodying the school’s nurturing atmosphere, while also challenging them in the classroom.

Our Academics. Active engagement is more meaningful than worksheets. Our inquiry-based, hands-on curriculum is designed to foster all the things that set children up for success. Our STEAM Initiative propels students to seek out rather than receive information.

Our Encore Classes. Our Encore program expands and complements the core CMDS curriculum. Students never spend a whole day with one teacher in their homeroom. They are instead immersed in an elementary, liberal arts-style experience.

Our Graduates. CMDS graduates matriculate to a variety of Memphis-area schools, so after 6th grade, they automatically have friends all over town. Beyond that, our pursuit of educating the whole child – academically, spiritually, physically, socially and emotionally­ – leads to well-rounded students who are ready for their next chapter.

CMDS By the Numbers

Student Life

Christ Methodist Day School